Top 4 Takeaways from Electrify Aotearoa with Megan Seator.
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Electrify Aotearoa is a conference dedicated to empowering women founders that is held every year in New Zealand. Southland founder Megan Seator attended in 2024 which proved to be a transformative experience. Here are her top four takeaways from the event.
1. Find Your People
One of the most impactful moments for Megan was finding people who immediately understood her idea without needing an elaborate pitch. These interactions renewed her confidence and underscored the importance of finding the right audience for your business. As COIN often says, not everyone will be your person, and that's okay. When faced with repeated misunderstandings, it’s crucial to move on and find your tribe. The right people will resonate with your vision and support your journey.
2. You Are the Conductor, Not the Orchestra
A key lesson from Irina Miller, Co-founder and CEO of Daisy Lab, was the importance of embracing your role as a visionary leader. Irina’s success in precision fermentation, despite not being a scientist or tech expert, highlighted that you don't need to master every detail. Instead, focus on directing and coordinating experts who can bring your vision to life. This perspective shift empowered Megan to see herself as the conductor, orchestrating her startup’s success.
3. Acknowledge the Challenges for Women
The conference reinforced the additional hurdles women face in the startup world. These challenges make it essential to create a supportive environment where women can uplift each other through simple actions like likes, follows, and connections. Building a network of mutual support is crucial for navigating the unique obstacles women encounter in the entrepreneurial space.
4. The Importance of Pausing
Megan’s experience highlighted the necessity of taking breaks when things aren't working. Shifting your focus to other activities can rejuvenate your creative energy. Attending conferences like Electrify Aotearoa provides an opportunity to step back, recharge, and stimulate innovation. Pausing isn’t just about rest; it's a vital part of the creative process, allowing new ideas and solutions to emerge.
These four takeaways from Electrify Aotearoa have empowered Megan Seator with renewed confidence, a clearer vision of her role, an appreciation for the support of other women, and the importance of taking breaks to foster creativity.
If you would like the opportunity to attend you can find out more information here, or talk to the COIN South team.