That second pint made all the difference: How Hopsession turned from hobby to craft.

Nathan McKenzie, founder of Hopsession Brewing, crafts beers to embody what he thinks makes Southland, Southland. His brews like the Hatch's Hill Hazy IPA are named after local gems, and celebrate our community with every sip. Nathan focuses on creating hoppy, flavourful beers using fresh, local ingredients. Watching customers come back to buy seconds propelled his beer journey from one of curiosity to a this-could-be-an-actual-venture, and despite being a young company, he’s seen memorable successes. He currently faces challenges in expanding beyond the local market. Still, with strong community ties and innovative local collaborations on the horizon, he’s poised to make Hopsession synonymous with Southland. 

Three years ago, Nathan McKenzie turned his brewing hobby into a thriving business, founding Hopsession Brewing in his garage in Invercargill. His mission: to create distinctively local brews that Southlanders could proudly call their own.

Inspired by the simple joy of watching someone savour his beer enough to order another, it was the customer’s second pint of Hopsession's Hatch's Hill Hazy IPA that confirmed his belief in his product and propelled his venture into the commercial realm. Now Nathan is stocked across the city in all the craft beer bars including Tuatara Cafe and Bar, Crafty's, and Swan Room. Plus is consistently on tap at East End Liquor Bottle Store’s stumpy filling station.

Hopsession’s offerings are notably hoppy and robust, traits that mirror Nathan’s enthusiasm and dedication. Naming each beer after local-known landmarks and notable Southland figures, like the Burt APA, after Burt Munro, or Foveaux Cold IPA after the strait, Nathan embeds what makes Southland Southland into every bottle.

Focused on using local ingredients, Nathan plans future collaborations with Southland's coffee and chocolate producers, promising beers with fresh, punchy flavours that celebrate regional produce. He has goals to grow his brewery and increase production, aiming to one day be distributed around the South Island.

Despite his success, Nathan faces significant challenges in distributing beyond Invercargill. An "invisible wall" seems to block his expansion efforts, but he remains undeterred, continuously seeking avenues to introduce his unique brews to wider markets.

Supported by business mentoring through his iwi, Ngai Tahu, as well as the team at COIN South, Nathan has honed his brand and business strategy. He advises fellow entrepreneurs to stay committed, seek guidance, and tackle challenges one day at a time—just like enjoying a good beer, one sip at a time.

Through his craft, Nathan McKenzie of Hopsession Brewing typifies the spirit of Southland—innovative, resilient, and deeply connected to its roots.

Connect with Hopsession on Facebook here.


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