
Food + Fibre Incubator | September - november*


*With the current COVID-19 alert levels, we are looking at new ways we can deliver Prove It and course dates. Applications are still open and we’d love to have a chat to you about if Prove It would be right for you.

What is Prove it?

Prove It is specifically designed for those ready to validate, make sales and prove their startup idea has legs.

This course runs twice a year and is sector-themed to ensure you get the most practical value we can offer. Participants get industry expert advice, peer-to-peer meetups and access to support like interns, accountability sessions, and showcase opportunities.

During the course, we work intensively with each team to get the company into the best shape possible. Each course culminates in a Demo Day, when the startups present to an audience of their peers, community organisations as well as possible stockists and investors.

What it looks like.

Office hours. Accountability sessions. Mentors. Lunches.

This course is simple. Set a measurable but terrifying goal and prove each week you’re achieving it. Use the resources available to you, to work as hard as you can on moving that needle. Use your peers to keep you accountable, to inspire creative solutions to your problems, and to help validate your product. Tap into our wealth of mentors to get the answers you need, right now. And meet others like you, and founders who have gone before at founder meals.


There’s no limit to the number of office hours participants can book.

Individual conversations with the participants happen during office hours they book online. These can be 1:1, over the phone or with wider team members (accountants, lawyers etc). What we talk about at office hours depends on the participants, the stage they’re at as a start up and where we are in the course. Usually we talk about whatever is the most urgent question right now.

Fortnightly Lunches.

We host founder lunches each fortnight with guest speakers.

During each course we host a lunch once a fortnight at COIN South and invite someone fancy from the startup world to speak. We encourage founders to treat each dinner as an informal workshop session and talk freely with peers and guests. Most speakers are successful startup founders, and the talks are usually about the inside story of what happened in their startup journey.

Hear from others like you.

These food and fibre founders were on our last Prove It .

Hear from people like you that give us their take on the Prove It programme, their food or fibre idea and where to from here after the programme.


Register here.